Honey Bee Stamps · Prismacolor pencils · The Daily Marker 30 Day

The Daily Marker 30 Day Challenge


I’ve been participating in The Daily Marker 30 Day challenge by Kathy Rac.  The challenge is to color something for at least 10 minutes every day.  Today I grabbed this black and white card I received in a Honey Bee Stamps order a while ago.   I thought, I’ll just do a quick 10 minutes and finish it up tomorrow.  I kind of like it just the way it is.  Day 14.

You Make Life Colorful

The longer I look at it the more convinced I was that the panel was finished.  So, I went with my gut feeling and made a clean and simple card.   All I did was mount my panel on some black card stock and Wha. La!  It’s finished.